Friday, March 02, 2007

want to simplify? try white

White is a nice clean simple color right? I shoveled nineteen inches of it off the drive in the past two days. If you want to learn about a truly efficient way to live simply check out Joyce's latest.

Our neighbor to the north - he always smokes when he shovels snow. Click on the photo and hopefully it will be large enough so that you can see his cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

moving on down the line


anyone wanna walk with me?

these two look mischievous...


  1. That's a lot of snow!! It looks so beautiful and all of these pictures are wonderful.

  2. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Beautiful Me, and I love that first photo!

  3. Your photos are gorgeous, and a cute neighbor besides. ;)

    I truly can't imagine that sort of snow. We're down South and to us, you're in uncharted territory.

  4. Hehe. Sorry this post kind of gave me the giggles, not sure why, maybe it was the mischeivious horses. We are getting snow aain but at least the ground is green. :)
