Friday, March 02, 2012

c is for boxes

No, make that C is for collage. We come to one of the main reasons I make boxes, I like to collage. And, just in case you worry that I will run out of material.

This is probably (maybe barely) half of the books, calendars, etc I have collected. I really need group therapy, I think. I buy lots of it but not all of it - see the sticker on the book leaning on the left? It says, "April, would your sister like this? Lucy"

For the record, I have not stepped foot into a thrift store or craft store this year.

People give me stuff all the time - I've had perfect strangers give me ties back in the day when I carried a tie purse. I have tons and tons of calendars. Recently, I was given these puzzle pieces.

I was thrilled. My Mom would like a puzzle piece snowman and while these aren't enough for the project, they will at least make the painting portion of it easier.

Here are some recent boxes:

We are leaving this morning to go down to my parents for a long weekend. It is a homeschool field trip so I can guarantee lots of photos. See you on Monday!!


  1. Oh my goodness I love your boxes! I say it is GOOD therapy! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your parents! People are always giving me supplies, too!

  3. love, Love, LOVE!

  4. Your boxes are so darn cute!!
    Enjoy your time with your parents!
