Friday, October 15, 2010

Disappointing but Necessary

This morning, my youngest said she missed J and D. They are an older couple from church who act as surrogate grandparents to the girls and who are very dear and close friends of ours. This summer, because of a variety of circumstances we visited their home almost weekly. The girls haven't been to their home since school started.

I gave J and D a call and asked if we could come over this morning. Of course, they agreed to a visit. While J played with the girls, I visited with D. As I yawned and massaged my face she asked where I could remove some business from my schedule. One of the easiest places to alleviate pressure on my time is to reduce the amount of posts I make a week.

D in all her wisdom suggested that I try posting less and that I take a nap this afternoon. I have learned to listen to wise counselors. I took a nap and now I am writing to tell you that I will be posting less and one of the posts I will be eliminating until my time is under less pressure is that of my weekly Creative High Party. I enjoy the party and the friends I have made by hosting it and so it is a disappointing thing to do. However, it is necessary.

Do not be surprised if I seem to continue to keep up commenting. When I work on photos from photo shoots, I find that browsing my feed reader breaks up the tedium and keeps my eyes fresh. So I will probably continue commenting.

I hope that I can resume it in the Creative High Party again in the future. I hope you all understand.


  1. You won't get this time back. And, it will be the time of your life that you will long to reclaim. Well, at least that is what it was like for me.

    You are wise to listen to wise councel, and, all the FUN will still be there when you are able to return to it!

  2. She sounds like a wonderfully wise woman. Priorities should always be family and being the best mama you can be.

  3. Melissa, I totally understand!!! The responsibility involved w keeping up a weekly party is the very reason I have not yet started one! I applaud you for stopping to assess you current life situation and being proactive in adjusting it for your best interest and that of your family. I'm always here for ya...just down the (internet) highway at Scene of the Grime! Take care and enjoy your weekend!

  4. I completely understand where you are coming from. I've had about a post or two a week this last month and although it's hard to see my views and comments slide, it's been so nice taking some time to just enjoy life and forget about posting. Same goes for my party, it's fun and all, but just got to be too much.

    Hope your break helps alleviate some stress and that you'll return refreshed. Sending some prayers and hugs your way. :)

    -Ann Marie

  5. Of course we understand! It's so easy for us to do everything for everyone else and not make / take time for ourselves but I have learned ( and still have moments of total FAIL) that if you don't take care of you, you're not doing as good a job of taking care of everyone else as you think you are or could be. OK maybe you can, but I know I can't...ya know? So do what is good for you which ultimately will be good for all of you. No worries!!

  6. Sounds like you've got some really wise friends! No worries on the party and hope you get some breathing room.

  7. Good for you! Blogging can sometimes feel like a second job that pays in comments (and even they can be fleeting!) Take your much needed naps, enjoy time with your friends and family and tell us about it when you have the time (and energy!) We'll still be here!

  8. Yes listen to your elders :) Take care of your self first and foremost, otherwise you can't care for anyone else. Glad you took a nap, be sure to listen to your body.

    I'll post about the tomato cake after we eat it on Suday :):)

  9. It sounds like you are making a wise decision. I am proud of you. It is your wisdom that knows when to listen to the wisdom of older, more experienced women. Lisa~

  10. Life is a balancing act! Don't stray to far though, blogging world needs people like you

  11. I completely understand! While I haven't posted anything on your party since it started, it has been fun to see what others come up with. However, your health and happiness and overall wellbeing is very important. :-)

  12. I can only speak for myself, but I totally understand. Your friend is very wise and you are right in heeding her advice. Here's to less stress!

  13. Hey Melissa! Thanks for dropping by.. I am sorry to hear about the Creative High party, but I totally understand. I look forward to the day you start it back, but until then... I will check out your posts :) Your always doing neat stuff! Take care and get some rest! Anna @ Moon River

  14. It's good to take a break. I love your creative posts, but tying ourselves to something non-mandatory can become more a bind than a joy if it starts to interfere with real life.

    I realise that sounds garbled...but I hope you get the gist.


  15. I understand completely! Take care of yourself and your family first. :)

  16. J and D represent the best of said church.

  17. You need to do what is best for you and we all have different seasons in our lives and they all require different kinds of focus. Right now if you need to alleviate some of the stress in your life it is best to do what you feel is needed. Thanks for your nice comments it always gives me an uplift.

  18. I totally understand that. I have noticed I post less and less too...but that is a good thing. It takes me hours just to catch up on my blog reading. It is a great hobby, creative, fun and we meet great gals. However, we can't exhaust ourselves over it. Sometimes I feel how long will I do this before I run out of things to blog about. I guess we shall see what the future brings.

  19. it's good to take breaks every now and then, specially when we are stressed. Hosting linky parties can be so demanding, I can just imagine.

  20. Hi Melissa-

    Of course we understand! You take the time you need for your family and other obligations. We will be here!! You are wise to take the advice of wise councelors. Take care of yourself!!


  21. Glad you made the decision. I've had to cut back too, and amazingly, the readers always understand. We're all in this together.

  22. Smart advice and I'm glad you took it. Sorry to see the party go on a hiatus, but I'm sure that it'll be back. And when it is, then we'll know that things have slowed down a bit for you, and that will definitely be a good thing.

  23. Sweet Melissa, take care of you! Your girls will remember you and their childhood fondly and you won't be so stressed. I have some health issues and will be blogging less, but I never even tried to host an amazing party as you have done so well. My best wishes for you to find a sweet, peaceful balancing point.
