Friday, July 23, 2010

Looking for a Creative High Party #10


I provided a high for my girls this week by making them stilts (I've only made one pair so far - need to use more pineapple juice before making the next pair).

Kid's are so funny. C walked up to me on the stilts and said "Mom, I am as tall as you!" From her head to mine she described a line that made about a forty-five degree rise!!

Party Highs from Last Week

Cecily from Craftopatamus made this adorable birdhouse with even more adorable birds. Someday I will learn to knit or crocet. :)

Michelle from Mich L. in L.A. made a birdie themed craft too. Her birdies were the athletic type and were converted into lacy earrings and necklaces!!

This week's winner is Laurie from Scene of the Grime who made this gold starfish to imitate a pricey one she saw on vacation. Her starfish cost a fraction of the price of the designer starfish.

The Rules:
1. Link to your specific post, not the main page of your blog. Link to something you made that shows off your creative genius; something that gave you a creative high kind of like the endorphin rush that runners talk about. It can be an old post or a new post but it needs to be something you made.

2. Give your entry a descriptive title.

3. Use my button to link back to the party or add a text link in your post.

4. I can't accept links to etsy shops or online stores but I will accept parties and give-a-ways.

5. By entering your link, you are giving me permission to use any part of your post including pictures in a spotlight at Those Northern Skies (appropriate credit and links will be given to you and your blog of course).

The Prizes:

1. Every Friday at the next party, I will highlight my favorite posts from the previous week.

2. My favorite entrant of the week will win an advertisement in my sidebar free of charge for one month (four weeks). If you do not have a shop, I can put your blog button up or if you would rather I can put up a button for your favorite charity.

3. In addition, for those who make a project inspired by one of my projects or one of my tutorials, I will pick one winner a month and they will get to keep an advertisement in my sidebar for two months. Plus all inspired entrants will be part of a featured post at the end of the month.


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my project/blog, Melissa! I'm so honored and I truly appreciate it!

  2. Holy cow! Thanks for featuring me and my birds! I'd love to teach you how to crochet. :)

  3. I LOVED can stilts! Especially that clump-clump-clump-clump sound that they made.

  4. Ooh, so cool to be mentioned here, because I have been loving this party each week, plus I looove your blog. Thanks!

  5. Those stilts are so neat! You're so creative!

  6. lol, i had to comment. i'm 5'3, and i never realized that was short, or that i was short. as i got older people started to tell me often. i am such a bad judge of height, weight, age, etc, i would be the worst witness in terms of describing to police. this is something i think about, which may be strange...

    those stilts look like fun!

  7. I think your photos are terrific! You have such a good eye. Thanks for commenting on my post, I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I make something, next week I hope to post something on your Creative Party.

  8. Wow, I remember tin can stilts from when I was a kid. They were awesome!

  9. Love the stilts! Will have to make these when my kiddos are older!
