Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a very, very, very cool quote

I am reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik. First, a disclaimer. It is not the kind of book I would typically read. However, my next door neighbor gave me two of her very favorite books just before Christmas.

I finished the first one and am now reading this one. It is secular and has some very explicit material in it. However, I want to understand where she is coming from so I wanted to read her favorite books.

Never assume you can't find something worthwhile.

In this book, one of the characters is visited by her grandfather after his death. He was a believer but she never really believed. When he visited her (she was eleven) he told her that

"he was in a place of such peace and wonder it made earth look like the "cartoon compared to the feature."

I was delighted with the analogy; Saturday matinees had been our regular date."

Isn't that a cool analogy?


  1. you're right this is a very interesting analogy...

  2. Anonymous3:25 AM

    ...interesting and beautiful too, all sorts of thoughts pop into my head reading that but I shall contain my comment to this sentence;

    and of course 'Hugs'.

  3. Wow, that is a cool quote, neat way to have found it too. How could our earth experience be the cartoon! Must we a lot to look forward to! : )
