Wednesday, December 03, 2008

a small taste

These are in no particular order and do not represent the best photos. They only represent a few of the photos I can share.

These are a few of the nativity photos I've taken in the past month. They are scenes of the nativity that will be shown in a slide show with scripture and music at the children's church program next weekend.


  1. That is an incredible idea and would make a beautiful book!

  2. Oh! They are SOOO adorable!

  3. Oh so sweet!

    I love them! Do you ever get tired of being so fabulous? ;)


  4. I can see such rich jewel tones in these pictures. Full. That's what they are.

    Our preschool SS teacher makes a "movie" with the kids every year, instead of a live production. It's always the same, simple story, but different each time.

  5. That is such a great idea! I used to lead our pre-school children's church and know how hard it is to have everyone do what needs to be done in a program.

    Those short little attention spans are tough! It was great fun though. I miss those days.

  6. I love all of the photos. You take such great shots.

  7. OH, it is going to be wonderful! What a great idea and well done!

    I agree with Heather that it would make a lovely book.

    We are opting the CLB out of the pageant this year because I just can't take the stress of a live one.

  8. How darling! I will always remember being angle Gabriel one year. My mother made a fine costume I was so happy.
    I would like you to answer emme, do you ever get tired from being so fabulous?
    Sounds like a spirited congregation of which I'd like to belong.

  9. Precious. I never tire of seeing children act out the nativity. I hope this performance goes well. :o)

  10. these are wonderful!
