Thursday, November 13, 2008

the call of wild geese


A simple errand turned complicated
so I started home at dusk
(later than I intended).
I crept along counting the beads
on a chain of red lights
that stretched along ahead of me.
To my left gray shapes
of geese settled down for the night
on the smooth plain of the sod farm.
I knew that one day
I would be running errands and notice
that the geese had left, called
by their leader because it was time to go home.
Stuck in traffic, I waited and realized
that all they were doing was waiting too.



  1. I crept along counting the beads
    on a chain of red lights

    Love that line!

    Waiting for our Leader's voice to call us home ... indeed. I wonder if the geese think about the sod on which they're settled or the beauty of the soaring trip ahead.

  2. What a beautiful poem.

  3. I like your writing as well as your photos. Visit my blog, I'm looking for both writers and photographers. If you're interested in submitting one of your photos, email me.
