Thursday, December 20, 2007

the illusion of happiness

The happiness that we seek at the world's bidding is dangerous. If we seek personal happiness as the world suggests we hurt not only ourselves but those around us. The world suggests that personal happiness comes from meeting our own needs before fulfilling the responsibilities we've been given. By seeking personal happiness we hurt those we closest to us and (it may seem surprising) often incidental people in our lives as well.

We are fortunate for mercy. The undeserved grace we've been given even when we screw up.

The irony in this is that we often find the happiness known as joy when we surrender to our responsibilities (there is, by the way, a difference between responsibility and guilt - a difference that is easily and often confused).

I am simply sharing what I learned afresh today.

Peace to You,


  1. Thank you for sharing your lessons learned. They are helpful to us, as well.

  2. You are always insightful, but you've been especially thoughtful in your posts lately.

    The irony in this is that we often find the happiness known as joy when we surrender to our responsibilities

    Agreed. Our responsibilities come from God and surrender to them is ultimately surrendering to God. I'm glad you posted this. It's good to be reminded.

  3. Thank you for praying. I think you are right about doing our responsibilities.

  4. Yes, it's the grasping that does us down.

  5. You learned a very wise thing today..
    by accepting our responsibilities we not only have joy but we have the peace and knowledge of knowing that we are in God's grace!!

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I love you. NLM

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Lovely thoughts Melissa. Hugs to you.

  8. I can't quite read through the ambiguity, but I'm not supposed to do so. Just hope it was a "lesson," which is as really good for you, as you seem to believe.

    Because right now, I don't see any reason for you to not be on the receiving end of lots and lots and lots of TLC. Rather than "surrendering to your responsibilities," in some/any way.

