In case you are wondering, everything came off except the purple rings around her eyes. They've faded to a lighter shade but they are still very clearly there. She looks as if she has some bizarre rash.
A word to the wise: cheap washable markers don't wash off as well as Crayola washable markers.
I visited my doctor today and he was unhappy with my scores on the little questionnaire they had me fill out. We are working on a remedy and I am to see him again in six weeks.
Oh my! Just oh my!!
ReplyDeleteHer look of satisfaction seems to be complete.
Well now you know how your Grandma and Grandpa felt about the MANY things your dad did to me.
ReplyDeleteAll I can think of to say is ,"Oh Dear!"
ReplyDeleteEven Crayola doesn't come off of the more sensitive skin areas (or dry skin--it absorbs quicker and deeper.) My kids have severe allergies to dies and for a long time could not use any type of paint or marker because they got sick when they got it on them. We learned the sensitive/dry skin thing in that time.
ReplyDeletePoor kid--though the pictures are stunning. :)
ReplyDeleteThat middle picture. I want one! Large, and framed, and hanging over my fireplace.
It could be titled "Girl Enjoying Childhood".
Hope you are soon feeling better.
Since you're less than a week away from Halloween, maybe you could just leave the purple circles and call them her costume? Would save a lot of explaining in the grocery lines.
ReplyDeleteMy little one often trips off to school with pen all over herself, some of which doesn't quite come off properly.