Thursday, March 01, 2007

the wonders of God

She lived. Nine and a half inches long - less than ten ounces and yet she lived. She is going home and weighs over four and a half pounds and is fifteen and a half inches long. And yet, her doctor:

who has cared for the baby since shortly after she was born, cautions against redefining medical standards for fetus viability...


  1. Oh my goodness! I had not heard of this before. Thanks for posting.

  2. Amazing what God can do!

  3. Sometimes, 'seeing' isn't believing, is it?

  4. A friend of mine sent me the news article last week. When I showed it to the girls (who of course LOVE babies, especially preemies--they are SO tiny, and are thrilled when the Lord does anything to prove doctors wrong) they immediately latched onto that comment and pointed out that God was bigger and would prove it again and again until they finally get it.
