Wednesday, May 30, 2007

C and K

(i will be back next week - my in-laws leave late Sunday)

C graduated from Pre-K last Thursday.

K turned three on memorial day.

Last Christmas, my Mom and I were in JoAnn's looking for fabric for my nephew. K, who was standing in the cart, reached out and grabbed a bolt of fabric and said 'mine.' My Mom made her pants out of the fabric and then went on a search for the perfect fabric for a blouse. This is what she made. K loves it.


  1. Hope it's a good time.


  2. These little milestones are so special.

    And K has lovely taste in fabrics!

  3. Congratulations, C !!!


    Happy Birthday to you, K !

    Dig those pants! K has a gifted and understanding Grandmother. ;o)

  4. Oh, how quickly they grow!

    Your girls are beautiful.

  5. Love the flowy top! And I really love the cute little girls, too... :)

  6. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Beautiful, wonderful, and all that. My children have come home with more than a few "fell in love with" things that grandparents have purchased. ;)

  7. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Even more coool! I love the pants. Happy birthday to K and congratulations to C. My little L is three this week, where do the baby years go??
